Office for human centered product and service development in the digital era

Office for human centered product and service development in the digital era

Business Consultancy – guiding through interdisciplinary challenges - from the strategic to the operative level with a special emphasis on strategic marketing.

Business Consultancy – guiding through interdisciplinary challenges - from the strategic to the operative level with a special emphasis on strategic marketing..​

Supporting companies in shaping their products, services and business

Supporting companies in shaping their products, services and business

Guiding through digitalisation endeavours, systematic product development and service design projects in the context of changing business models. Consulting for organisations in change and Start-ups.

Consulting Services

Analysis, Strategy and Conception

Analysis, Strategy and Conception

Strategic Marketing, User Research and Market Insights,User Experience Analyses, Conceptual Design, Interaction Design, User Centered Design Frameworks, Project Management, Project Development

Core Cooperations and Partnerships

Core Cooperations and Partnerships

The main cooperation partners for digitalisation endeavours, media production and market research. Cooperations make an »Independent One« a »We«.

Cooperation Partner of

Agency for Digital Transformation

Member of

Media Group
The Digital Production House

Relying on

Online Research Community

Owned and operated by

Christian Wagner, Founder and Owner

»Enjoying to work for open-minded companies, organisations and societies«

»Enjoying to work for open-minded companies, organisations and societies«

Christian Wagner, Founder and Owner

Hello. My name is Christian. I’m your contact partner.

There is much »ado« about tools, hypes and cool methods, but one of the most dominant and often overseen challenges in all these endeavours is establishing viable operational organisations. Viable, not hip ones. Mature, open-minded companies, open for cultural changes, are far ahead of the rest – even at the starting line. It’s not required to have a culture of change in place, but the willingness to change is a prerequisite. From this point, I can guide you through challenging endeavours. I don’t want to serve you with out of the box magic – my job starts with listening.



What we stand for.
Thoughts about the state of play.

Blog - Latest Notes

Blog - Latest Notes

Thoughts, etcetera

Museums and Digitalisation – Walk the line between auratic experiences and the urge to follow contemporary digital trends

The making of digital strategies for museums – A view behind the scenes…

Hic Sunt Dracones – Mighty Myths, Monsters and Demons of Digitalisation

Redrawn illustraion, Original from Alfred Kubin »Hic sunt dracones«, latin for »here are dragons«. Once indicating regions steeped…

David Bowie about the impact of the internet – A BBC-Interview from 1999 – A retrospective

»…I think we’re actually on the cusp of something exhilerating and terrifying…«, David Bowie, 1999

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